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Last Look - Oil prices rise, but post weekly loss on tariffs and OPEC+ production plans
Latest Insight
Last Look - Oil prices rise, but post weekly loss on tariffs and OPEC+ production plans

Not sure if hedging is the right choice for you?

Take a look at our guide on hedging importance

Hedging Importance

Hedging Importance Curve
  Critical Disruptive Annoying Immaterial
Price's Effect on Financials
Small price moves have outsized consequences Commodity prices can interfere with budget goals Achievable goals are not met; Profit disappointments Low Impact, even if prices change
Hedging Goal
Certainty and Precision Defend a set price Hedges as
"insurance policies"
Popular Hedging Tactics
Swaps (for Fixed Price) Probabilistic and Adjustment Call Options
Put Options
Limit Orders

Should I Hedge?

Start Immediately! Yes
Actively Manage

Hedging should be done with a goal in mind; that goal is a combination of hedges that efficiently remove risk and keep your financial goals attainable.

Should I Hedge?

Do prices vary on the commodities integral to my business?
Does price volatility threaten my financial goals?
Can my goals be quantified in financial metrics?

Hedging could be right for you.
Learn more about strategies and software.

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