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Last Look - Oil prices rise, but post weekly loss on tariffs and OPEC+ production plans
August 22  |  REPLAY

CTRM Webcast Series Part 2: Transform Your Financial Strategy with Commodity Exposure Forecasting

How are you assessing the commodity price risk within your portfolio? We'll demonstrate how to use current market data to feed hedge recommendations calculated to meet your specific corporate financial targets.

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We discuss what you can do to enhance visibility across your supply chain, more effectively manage your commodity price risks, and prevent profit leakage.

Learn how to:

Gain critical insights across your entire supply chain
Forecast total P&L commodity price risk
Measure the P&L of your hedge program effectiveness 
Assess the likelihood of achieving financial targets
Easily quantify volume, margin and price risk
Continuously monitor for opportunities to take action
Model different trade and price scenarios
Produce specific hedge recommendations based on current market data
Integrate and connect data from multiple sources
Create custom charts and exports to present to management
Combine your physical and hedge positions in an intuitive dashboard
Model and stress test exposures and scenarios


Jay Stevens Director of Market Analytics black and white image
David PondDuring David’s 30-year career, he has worked across multiple industries, adeptly solving complex operational challenges. His deep understanding of the CTRM market further underscores his expertise, making him a trusted partner in navigating commodity markets.
Matt Marshall
Matt MarshallMatt brings over twenty years of experience in energy markets research, trading, technology deployment, and management consulting.

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