Your risk management approach is working.Our software just makes it |
| CTRMSecure storage, valuation, and management of your physical and hedge positions.Learn More > |
Market AnalyticsAlways-on market insights into and recommendations to manage commodity risk.Learn More > | |
| OIL & GASRevenue CaptureUnique insights into revenue receipts at each field location to improve decision-making. |
Price IndicationsProprietary pricing by product and tenor to show where your trades are likely to execute. | |
| Hedge RecommendationsCurated hedge recommendations are calculated to meet your specific corporate financial goals.Learn More > |
Trade ApprovalsSimple trade routing and approvals so your team is informed (online or via text).Learn More > | |
| Trade ExecutionModern and compliant online marketplace to execute your trades with counterparties. |
Confirmation & Settlement WorkflowsIntegrated document and position matching with online signatures upon approval.Learn More > | |
| API IntegrationSeamlessly integrate data into your downstream systems and models in real time. |
Spreadsheets weren't meant to manage commodity price risk.
Our software was.
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