What our software does for you: | -
Creates a hedging marketplace for real-time price discovery -
Routes approved trades to ISDA-enabled counterparties -
Integrates with counterparty chat functionality -
Leverages a simple interface and leaderboard to manage bid process | -
Allows you to select a winner with a single click -
Produces a full audit trail and analytics to assess counterparty performance -
Sends final trades automatically to your CTRM |
Route trades to ISDA-enabled counterparties Integrate with counterparty chat functionality Leverage a simple interface and leaderboard to manage bids Select the winner with a simple click of the button Produce full audit trail and analytics to assess counterparty performance Record trades automatically into integrated CTRM |
The trade execution software is operated by (AEGIS SEF, LLC dba) AEGIS Markets, a CFTC-approved Swap Execution Facility. Learn more about AEGIS Markets here.

Ready to ditch the calls and chats for an online marketplace?
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