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Last Look - Oil prices rise, but post weekly loss on tariffs and OPEC+ production plans
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Last Look - Oil prices rise, but post weekly loss on tariffs and OPEC+ production plans

Industries / Private Equity

Helping Private Equity Firms Protect Investments With Commodity Risk Management

Commodity price volatility puts your margins at risk and effects your portfolio companies EBITDA. Our platform provides the research, advanced analytics, and risk modeling to enhance your forward visibility.

Portfolio Company Success Story

Public  •  Manufacturing
Goal:  Challenge Price Dis-Location

  • Created a comprehensive financial hedging strategy after thorough analysis of margin requirements, capital structure and risk tolerances.
  • Provided the manufacturer with forward visibility into the factors driving commodity pricing.
  • Tailored a hedging structure that provided an artificial floor if market prices should fall, which matched production and sales forecasts, while allowing ongoing adjustments
  • Provided the financial support needed to avoid costly inventory liquidations as market prices decreased, resulting in significant gains on their inventory hedges

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Manage Risk. Protect Profits. Build Winning Businesses.

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View the commodity exposures of a single portfolio company or aggregated across all, in a single screen–so you can make better decisions. We make it easy to manage your commodity exposures in real-time through objective market views, customized hedge strategies, proactive portfolio monitoring, cost-effective trade execution, and back-office support.

Hedge Recommendations

•  Visualize risk against your financial goals and current likelihood of success, driven by proprietary algorithms, millions of simulations, and real-time prices
•  Continuous evaluation and proactive notification when a market opportunity exists to reduce your risk via the AEGIS hedge recommendation engine
•  Easily quantify the impact and efficiency of a potential hedge (and alternatives) before approving and executing with your counterparties

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Effectively measure and understand your commodity price risk​


Common hedgeable exposures for private equity portfolios include: 

Crude Oil


Natural Gas





Interest Rates

Foreign Exchange


Portfolio Company Success Story

Private  •  Manufacturing
Goal:  Improve market visibility & enhancement

  • Executed financial hedge program to offset aluminum price risk
  • Developed a “stop-loss” strategy that stabilized cost structure and reduced underlying volatility as aluminum markets rose over 97%
  • Improved the company’s cash flow with forward visibility and making adjustments as the market shifted
  • Company is now well positioned to manage commodity market fluctuations

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